Ansible installations may be modified by adjusting settings in the Ansible configuration file. Ansible selects a configuration file from one of several available places on the control node.
The ansible configuration file consists of several options, and settings are defined as key-value pairs. Consist of two section

[defaults] , which sets defaults for Ansible operation.

[privilege_escalation], which configures how Ansible performs privilege escalation on managed hosts.

Example of a typical ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory
remote_user = user
ask_pass    = false

become = True
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = false

become = True become_method = sudo become_user = root become_ask_pass = false

inventory, The path to the inventory file

remote_user, The username that Ansible uses to connect to the managed hosts. If not defined, the current user’s name is used.
In ansible-navigator, this is always the root.

ask_pass, Whether to prompt for an SSH password.

become, To automatically switch users on the managed host, typical to root after connecting.

become_method, How to switch users, typical sudo which is the defaults, can also use su option.

become_user, Which user to switch to on the managed host typical root.

become_ask_pass, Whether to prompt for a prompt for the become_method parameter. Defaults are false.

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